Wednesday, December 6, 2006

No-knead bread

I have been playing with the no-knead bread since the article was in the New York Times. It is great fun and works incredibly well. It really feels like a primeval process, which it almost is. Using wild yeast alone would be more basic, but this method invites the wild yeasty beasties out of the air. I have been using the recipe as it came up until now. I am about to try playing with different flours. I will report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you're officially selling the cookbook! Perfect timing for Christmas. Looking forward to purchasing a few for friends who have borrowed my copy many times already. I use mine all the time and Kevin's a big fan of the hollandaise sauce and the beef stroganoff. And I love all the tips - like measuring out the rest of the can of tomato paste, wrapping it in saran wrap and putting it in the freezer. Makes it so easy to reuse! We'll miss you all for Christmas this year. Much love. xoxo - Jenny